The purpose of these reflections on life, work, coaching and the personal experience of others is to inspire us all to live a significant life.
I am constantly challenged by people who have a positive impact on others by consistently making wise and courageous choices about the things in life that really matter. These are the ones who at the end of their lives will be able reflect on a significant personal journey, whose funerals will be a celebration of a life well lived, and who leave an enduring legacy for succeeding generations to follow.
None of the people featured in these reflections are perfect. They appear only because at least one of the choices they have made has positively inspired me. I share their stories and reflect on their choices in the hope that you will be inspired to live a significant life.
Finishing the Race
Finishing the race is easy if things are going well. But what if things are going badly and the potential for a good result is lost? Isn't it better to stop competing? Try telling that [...]
Running Outside Your Comfort Zone
Who’s up for running outside their comfort zone? In 2007 I entered the Auckland Half Marathon. For someone who has never found running pleasant, this seemed like a moment of sheer stupidity. Here I was [...]
Fancy Footwear & the Concept of Team
Could you identify a team by their footwear? Have you ever noticed that the uniforms of many sports teams playing on the international stage end at their feet? It would seem that players are given [...]
The Kindness of My Favourite Teacher
My favourite teacher was defined by her kindness. The rumour circulated by my friends was that you definitely didn't want to go into Mrs Penman’s class. Any other class but hers. What is it with [...]
Reality Check
We all need a reality check from time to time. A significant one for me took place many years ago somewhere between cracked pepper and pyjamas. My wife Lorraine won a competition that saw us [...]
No Noisy Chefs
Chefs have got to be noisy in the kitchen to be any good at what they do. At least that’s what reality TV has led us to believe. My best restaurant experience however, dispels that [...]