Watering the Gardener – Lessons from a Mentor

Taking the time to mentor someone is an investment that can have far reaching effects. In my early twenties I studied theology at a school in the North of England. The main building was a former English country home that looked distinctly like a castle. It stood within a large rural estate that included a [...]

By |2019-03-13T12:48:11+13:00May 16th, 2016|Encouragement, Kindness|

The Kindness of My Favourite Teacher

My favourite teacher was defined by her kindness. The rumour circulated by my friends was that you definitely didn't want to go into Mrs Penman’s class. Any other class but hers. What is it with little kids? Where do they hear all these stories about cruelty in the classroom? But at seven years of age [...]

By |2016-04-23T20:15:15+12:00April 23rd, 2016|Kindness|
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