Dreams. Everyone has them, but how many of us actively pursue our aspirations?

Some of us go no further than sharing them with our hairdresser. That’s the one safe place where we know we’ll get a fair hearing. Hairdressers listen to our joys, our fears, our dreams. Many could write a book about what their clients tell them.

Recently I had my hair cut by someone called Tash. And she told me about her dreams and thoughts about the future.

Tash has been a hairdresser for about fifteen years. She enjoys it but also loves preparing food. So, for the last four years she has been training to be a chef. Her ideal situation would be to manage both careers.

I was impressed with the drive of this 30-something hairdresser to chase her dreams. What I was not prepared for was the description of yet another passion in her life; her family. Not just one or two children but seven, between the ages of three and sixteen. Being impressed went to being inspired!

I asked her why she wanted to complicate her already busy home life with the pursuit of her career vision. She said that by the time she reaches her fifties, she wants her kids to be inspired by what their mother had achieved in life. I didn’t get the impression that Tash would ever sacrifice her children for her ambition; but that she would somehow balance her home responsibilities with those of her career by only working certain hours.

I came away with a great haircut and was challenged by the vision of a young, softly spoken mother of seven who was setting goals, cutting hair and chasing dreams; grabbing life with both hands and seeking to be a good example to her children. Inspiring.

Photo: sandy-che/Blogstock.com